Tuesday 25 January 2011

Identified the issue. Small broken wire where a fuse should be.

In what seems to me to be quite an obvious design floor, whoever built my flat saw fit to make the electricity supply rely on passing through several tiny pieces of wire before being routed to my lights, fridge and more importantly - broadband router. Some of these wires have unsurprisingly not been able to cope with the vast quantities of electricity needed to power the various electronic items I left on overnight and have spontaneously combusted. The big question on my mind now is, will paperclips be an adequate or indeed more suitable substitute? Move over Edison, I'm in charge now.

Posted via email from Marc Biles

Friday 14 January 2011

Revolution in Tunisia


Incredible scenes of revolution in Tunisia. Also incredible that it was initiated by material on wikileaks.com and that the people of Tunisia harnessed the power and political pressure of the world by spreading their message through social media. It turns out that the revolution will be televised afterall, and tweeted, and blogged, and liked. Here's to the restoration of peace and stability under a freely-elected democratic regime.

Posted via email from Marc Biles

Thursday 13 January 2011

There's a buzz of excitement around the RG office right now

We've only got a Phil "the power" Taylor authentic dartboard!

Posted via email from Marc Biles