Saturday 29 May 2010

LF V2 testing

I just awoke from a dream where I was testing V2 of the LF site. Oddly, the bit of the site that I had to test involved sliding down a bannister, then sliding off the end of the bannister into a little swimming pool.

@ashleighbarrett - if that is indeed a feature that you've managed to fit into V2, you may want to nudge the pool about a foot closer to the stairs.

Posted via email from Marc Biles

Tuesday 11 May 2010

Bed-wettingly exciting news!

I have awoken to some historic and frankly groundbreaking news that you all need to be aware of. No it's not the news that after the completely shambolic and inconclusive election, the country is veering wildly with nobody at the helm. It is of course the announcement made by MediaMolecule that they will be launching a sequel to one of the most progressive and innovative games ever made - LittleBIgPlanet. 

This little guy will be returning to your screens before the end of 2010 in a game that promises to be every bit as engaging and as exciting as the previous instalment. For those of you who don't know LittleBigPlanet it is the marvellous crowd-sourcing game platform made by in-house Sony development studio, MediaMolecule. For user-interfacing geeks, fans of great design or just those people who love to play immensely engaging games, this is one for you.  

Here's the trailer: 

Posted via email from Marc Biles

Saturday 8 May 2010

Woke up early. Watched a couple of films.

So I woke up stupidly early this morning as I tend to when Soph's not around and have lazed in bed watching a couple of movies, courtesy of

The first was Reign of Fire staring Christian Bale and Matthew McConaughey. It's a post apocalyptic tale of a few survivors who are left after the world is besieged by.... dragons. Yes that's right, dragons. I know what you're thinking, "that sounds like a rubbish film". It's actually worse - I would probably sum up the experience as a truly ridiculous waste of an hour and a half of my life. 

Thankfully, the second movie was much better though. Baraka is an experimental film with no words or talking at all (Wikipedia link: It's pretty much just amazing and beautiful video-photography from around the world - featuring religious ceremonies, lots of people working together in factories, all kinds of nature and time lapse views of cities (I find it quite  amusing when people look like they are scurrying around like ants). It also has some cool drumming in the soundtrack too. 

It makes some powerful statements about the environment, 1st world vs. 3rd world, the follies of industrialisation and all sorts of high brow intellectual stuff like that. I'm not gonna lie, it's pretty slow moving but it's utterly enthralling and very compelling viewing. I would recommend it. 

I'm feeling pretty bloody cultured now so it's probably time to hit the PlayStation. I may shoot some gangsters. 

Posted via email from Marc Biles

Friday 7 May 2010

Sam Wells vs. Fashion

Wow. Sam Wells' purchasing decisions are second to none.

Posted via email from Marc Biles

Here's to Hannah and Jon

Best wishes to Hannah Jones and Jon Syrett who are getting married today. After Jon made the perfect proposal at the top of a mountain at sunrise ,they are all set for the perfect wedding today. Looking forward to seeing the new Mr and Mrs Syrett at the party tomorrow. 

Posted via web from Marc Biles